Kamen Rider Wizard (仮面ライダーウィザード) is an upcoming Japanese tokusatsu drama inToei Company's Kamen Rider Series, being the fourteenth series in the Heisei period run and the twenty-third overall. Trademarks on the title were filed by Toei in June 21, 2012, and it was officially revealed on June 27, 2012. It will begin airing on September 2, 2012.Tsuyoshi Kida will be the series' main screenwriter.
Sohma gains these abilities after surviving being sacrificed as part of a ritual during a solar eclipse, and he helps rescue Koyomi, portrayed by Makoto Okunaka, but not even she is sure if she is a human like Sohma or one of the creatures that were to be summoned in the ritual. Sohma, who is often misunderstood by others, now finds his mundane life boring now that he must fight demons called the Phantoms. Also joining Haruto and Koyomi is Shunpei Nara, portrayed by Junki Totsuka, who wants to be an apprentice wizard to Haruto. Other cast members include Rinko Daimon, portrayed by Yuko Takayama, who is a rookie detective at the local police department who investigates the event that brought the Phantoms into the real world, and Shigeru Wajima, portrayed by Hisahiro Ogura, the owner of a local antique shop who seems to know how Kamen Rider Wizard's ring and belt work and houses Haruto and Koyomi in his shop.
- Shunya Shiraishi as Haruto Sohma
- Makoto Okunaka as Koyomi
- Junki Totsuka as Shunpei Nara
- Yuko Takayama as Rinko Daimon
- Hisahiro Ogura as Shigeru Wajima
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